Shihui Guo
Writing and Implementation --- When You Should Start Writing a Paper?
Importing Numpy and Scipy into Maya 2014 on CentOS 6.5
lsof - list open files of a process
How Django handles templates and static files for multiple applications?
collection of useful vim setting
Matlab ODE function with changing arguments
Django on Apache with mod-WSGI in Ubuntu 12.04
Setup A Git Server on Amazon EC2 for single user
Install Maya 2013 on Ubuntu 12.04
kdenlive unable to export MP4 with error "Unsupported audio codec: libmp3lame"
Bullet CProfileManager Issues
Ubuntu + Latex + CJK + UTF8/GBK
Pull a new branch from remote repo
FFMPEG convert sequences of images into videos
Pymel Script Export Trajectory of A Joint
Double & Single Precision in Bullet
Use Wing IDE to debug Maya Python Script
some useful Commands In GCC Compiling under Linux
Building Blender 2.6 on Ubuntu 12.04
Compiling OpenImageIO using Shell Command in Ubuntu 12.04
Record and Replay Sequence of Commands in Vi
Directly Setting A Torque at A Joint In Bullet
Count the total of files in a folder - Linux
Watch Out When Undoing Things Under Git
Compiling Bullet project with command line
linux .la/.lo/.o file
Using parfor (Matlab) to do parallel computing (CMA-ES Optimization)
Evince Doesn't open URL links (Ubuntu 12.04)
CJK+GBK+Hyperref+pdflatex 目录/书签乱码解决办法
Choice of List & Array in Python
Running on a 32/64bit linux ? Or Processor?
Add Syntax Hightlighting & Set Indent Size in Vim (Mac)
Access Multiple Elements in Python List
django using template and static files (css, images, javascript)
Batch Generating and Removing Objects in Houdini
Array & Matrix in numpy
Using base64 to decode/encode a string using Linux Command Line
Different Ways of Importing Modules in Python
Parfor in Matlab, No Global Variables